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» Listings for 2017

  1. We heard this on the news this morning and we couldn't agree more. Time is the most important thing a person can own and free time is essential for our mental and physical health. How great would it be to do something you enjoy or spend time with the people that you love instead of housework and chores. If laundry is a weekly job that you dread, then why not let us do it instead? Starting from £10.00 with collection and delivery included you can save your valuable time for the things that matter more.            

    BBC News - Time, not material goods, 'raises happiness'




  2. Here at The Laundry Queen, we love Spring.

    What's not to love?! The daffodils and bluebells blooming, the feeling of the sun on your face, longer days, lighter evenings, spring lambs, packing away the winter clothes, sitting in the garden, a good spring clean to de clutter and re organise and of course the long Easter weekend spent with family and friends (and perhaps a creme egg or three!)

    When the weather is warmer it is nearly impossible to be in a bad mood. Spring is such a positive season, it brings the optimism of new beginnings along with a energy boost and a excited feeling about the Summer ahead.

    Would you like more time to enjoy this great season? Get in touch!

