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» Listings for 2017

  1. Winter in Sussex is a great time to get out for a walk or a hike, we are so lucky with the beautiful scenery in this area.

    We recently went for a walk around Arlington Reservoir, it was a lovely crisp but sunny day and definitely worth a visit. Dont forget your wellies though!

    Check out this article with some great walks in Sussex - Sussex Walks

    Why not get out this weekend and enjoy what Sussex has to offer, dont worry about the mud we can handle it!



  2. We are already over a week into January 2017, are you managing to stick to your New Year resolutions? Top resolutions include finding the time to exercise, reducing stress, spending more quality time with family and friends, starting a new hobby and getting more organised.


    Here at Laundry Queen HQ, our resolutions include training for the Eastbourne Half Marathon (eek!), eating healthier and spending more time with the people who matter


    What are your resolutions?


    This month we have a special offer, 25% off your first wash, dry and fold service and/or ironing service for new customers. Let us take care of your laundry and you could use this time to catch up with a old friend, start a new hobby or go for a run. Less laundry also equals less stress and a more organised household!


    Resolutions shouldn't just be for January, lets make them a lifestyle change!


    jan offer