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» Listings for 2016

  1. Did you wear your favourite outfit or suit to a special occasion this Summer? Is it now hanging dirty or stained  in the back of your wardrobe, forgotten about until the next big event?

    We all dread the label ‘not for machine wash, dry clean only’ With dry cleaners typically open from 9am – 5pm it sometimes feels impossible to find the time to drop off and then go back and collect your dry cleaning. 

    It is probably low down on your list of priorities; most of us end up waiting until a couple of days before we need an outfit and end up rushing around in time to get it clean. At The Laundry Queen we pick up and deliver your dry cleaning back to you which couldn’t be more convenient. Why not get organised in advance, you never know you may get a last minute invitation to a great event, it would be awful if the perfect outfit for the occasion wasn’t ready to wear!   

  2. Would you like to be able to cross laundry off of your weekly 'to do' list? Not only economising time but also energy? Imagine how liberating it is to not have to think about coordinating the washing and drying and how an earth you are going to find the time to get through that pile of ironing. By using The Laundry Queen the only thing you need to organise is the pick up and drop off time and you will arrive home from work with fresh, clean, ironed laundry ready to put away! Sound good? Get in touch!