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» Listings for November 2016

  1. Not only do we have lots of lovely domestic customers, we also have commercial customers including guesthouses, sports teams, wedding companies, catering companies and a mobile cleaning company.

    We love working with other small local businesses, building positive long term relationships and in turn creating the opportunity to recommend one another to potential customers.   

    If you have a business with laundry needs please get in touch for information on our commercial prices for washing and/or ironing. 


    shop local   

  2. Autumn is here, the days are getting shorter and the weather is getting colder. Drying your washing on the line whilst you are out at work seems like a distant memory!

    If you don’t own a tumble dryer then trying to dry the washing can turn into a nightmare. It feels like it takes days for things to dry and often the laundry takes over half your house, hanging on radiators, over doors and on airers. You have to be careful not to hang things close together and overcrowd the items or the laundry ends up with a damp smell and will need re washing. No one has time for that!

    Included in our wash service is tumble drying and folding, so get out and enjoy the Autumn colours and crisp weather and look forward to fresh, dry laundry when you arrive home. 
