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» Listings for March 2017

  1. 5 Laundry Tips for Saving Time!


    • Sort as you go, this will save you a lot of time on laundry day. Separate into dark and light colours, get the whole family on board and use separate bins or baskets so that dirty washing is sorted into loads straight away.


    • Make a laundry schedule, this way you are not rushing around and panicking when you realise you are all out of clean underwear!


    • Pre treat stains straight away. If you spill coffee on your shirt just before you leave the house, don't leave the stain to set, use a pre stain treater and you can wash properly when you are home from work.


    • Have a separate small basket or box for lost socks, who knows why or how socks go missing but somehow they do! By having a separate box you can match up the pairs as you go.


    • Forget doing your laundry altogether and outsource to The Laundry Queen! It's more affordable than you think!


    lq website